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About the LNS

The “Laboratoire national de santé” (LNS) is a public institution operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Health in Luxembourg. It is organized as a multidisciplinary institute which, along with an administrative department, includes six scientific departments related to the fields of morphological and molecular pathology, genetics, medical biology, microbiology, forensic medicine and health protection (

The LNS has new premises whose modern infrastructure is in line with the demands related to recent developments in medical and analytical science. The purpose of the LNS is to develop analytical and scientific expertise related to the prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of human diseases, to ensure the role of a national control or reference laboratory and to carry out medico-legal tasks.

The LNS contributes to the development, harmonization and promotion of laboratory methods in collaborative projects with other laboratories and develops research and teaching activities in association with ad hoc partners in Luxembourg and abroad.

Internships (M/F)

Personal informations

Authorization to work in Luxembourg?

Contact information


Approved Diploma
Authorization to practice (if applicable)

To be able to practice the following regulated health professions in Luxembourg, you must have the right to practice delivered by the ministry of health: medical doctor / specialised medical doctor, laboratory technician, laboratory assistant, nurse.

Professional information

ADEM Registration

Additional Information

Previous application ?

Linguistic skills

  • A1 Breakthrough or beginner (Simple questions, current phases, close and familiar environment)
  • A2 Waystage or elementary (Descriptions, simple conversations, routine situation)
  • B1 Threshold or intermediate (Beginning of autonomy: fend for yourself, express your opinion and understand essential points)
  • B2 Vantage or upper intermediate (Good understanding and ability to converse in a more complex context: give an opinion, support an argument)
  • C1 Effective operational proficiency or advanced (Advanced level: ability express spontaneously and fluently, rather good command)
  • C2 Mastery or proficiency (Near mother tongue level: In all situations understand without effort, express yourself spontaneously)
  • Native Speaker

My Documents

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