2020 08-01
Authors: Ronellenfitsch W, Harter PN, Kirchner M, Heining C, Hutter B, Gieldon L, Schittenhelm J, Schuhmann MU, Tatagiba, Marquardt G, Wagner M, Endris V, Brandts CH, Mautner VF, Schröck E, Weichert W, Brors B, von Deimling A, Mittelbronn M, Steinbach JP, E. Reuss DE, Glimm H, Stenzinger A, Fröhling S
BACKGROUND: Neurofibroma/schwannoma hybrid nerve sheath tumors (N/S HNSTs) are neoplasms associated with larger nerves that occur sporadically and in the context of schwannomatosis or neurofibromatosis type 2 or 1. Clinical management of N/S HNSTs is challenging, especially for large tumors, and established systemic treatments are lacking.
The Journal of Clinical Investigation