Authors: Peñalva G, Högberg LD, Weist K, Vlahović-Palčevski V, Heuer O, Monnet DL; ESAC-Net Study Group; EARS-Net Study Group
Responding to the increasing public health threat of AMR is a priority in the EU [3,6,7]. The trends of antimicrobial consumption of fluoroquinolones, third-generation cephalosporins and carbapenems and the AMR phenotypes reported here provide an indication that the recent public health efforts promoting prudent antimicrobial use are showing results. Nevertheless, percentages of AMR reported here were comparatively much higher in 2018 than in 2002/06 and trends appear to stabilise or slow down rather than decrease in recent years. The results presented should encourage further efforts aiming to improve antimicrobial stewardship and IPC, which should contribute to reduce AMR in the EU/EEA.
Euro Surveillance : Bulletin Europeen Sur Les Maladies Transmissibles = European Communicable Disease Bulletin