The LNS is a public institution, managed by a board of directors. The management of the Laboratory is entrusted to a director assisted by the executive committee and a scientific advisory board.
The LNS’s multidisciplinary emphasizes excellence, quality and professionalism at all levels so that it can fully assume its role as national reference laboratory serving the population as defined by law. The LNS provides scientific diagnostics and expertise, carrys out analytical tests, functions as a reference laboratory, analyzes health hazards, provides genetic counseling, supports local authorities and engages in education and research. The passionate, highly qualified and multidisciplinary team that makes up the staff of the laboratory places the patient and his health at the center of all his priorities. It is by innovating that we carry out our public health mission.
The board of directors is the managing body of the LNS. It defines the general policy, organization and functioning of the laboratory in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and conventions.
Effective membres:
Delegates from the Ministry of Health and Social Security
Delegates from the Ministry of Justice
Delegate of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Delegate of the Ministry of Economy
Delegate of the Ministry of Finance
Delegate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development
LNS staff representative
Board of Directors secretary: Dr sc. Marc Schummer
The executive committee, composed of the heads of the departments, the heads of the diagnostic centers and the director, meets at regular intervals to coordinate the activity of the institution.
The scientific advisory board, composed of five members chosen among national and foreign experts, is responsible for contributing to the scientific agenda of the institution, expresses its opinion on the strategic plan and comments on the general guidelines for the activities of the laboratory.
The scientific advisory board gives its opinion on all matters falling within the area of competence of the institution.