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Research Projects

As part of its responsibilities, the LNS develops research activities in collaboration with ad hoc partners in Luxembourg and abroad and regularly produces research results in its fields of competence with internationally recognized excellence.

Research at the LNS is based on competent teams working with public authorities, the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), public research centers and the University of Luxembourg as well as with international academic and research institutions.

Here you can find a selection of current research projects. Good discovery !

Ongoing projects

EU-Response DisCoVeRy

Goal : To build a European COVID-19 and emerging infectious diseases  platform trials network with a coherent strategic mechanism to ensure the best scientific outcomes. The project includes two phases: the phase I aims at evaluating the safety and efficacy of different antiviral treatment protocols, the phase II is dedicated to  measure viral loads in respiratory samples and plasma, to determine the viral excretion kinetics  and  evaluate the antiviral effect of the tested drugs in different countries.

Service : Department of Microbiology

LNS contact :

Duration : 5 years (2020-2025)

Partners : INSERM, LIH, Biomérieux

Financing : INSERM


Goal : Investigate clinical and genomic characteristics to identify the risk factors for severe Covid in Luxembourg pediatric population.

Service : Department of Microbiology

LNS contact :

Duration : 6 months (2020-2021)

Partners : CHL, Direction de la Santé

COVID + Voices

Goal : Evaluation of an innovative approach to detect Covid in voice via an algorithm by comparison to SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR results.

Service : Department of Microbiology

LNS contact :

Duration :  1 year (2021-2022)

Partners : VoiceMed

Financing : LNS, Covid-X (European fund)

COVID+ Genomics

Covid19 Positive Luxembourg Study: National Genomic Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2

Goal : To provide a genomic map of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants in Luxembourg in order to identify new Variants of Concern, to understand their modes of transmission, to develop RT-qPCR tests discerning these variants and to test antivirals directly on the strains of interest.

Service : Department of Microbiology

LNS contact :

Duration : 2 years (2021-2023)

Financing : LNS, Ministry of Health


The value of sewage surveillance to provide new insights on the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 and to reveal the true extent of the coronavirus pandemic at the national scale

Goal : Project to detect and quantify SARS-CoV-2 in Luxembourg wastewater by RT-qPCR in order to follow the dynamics of Covid in the human population. Use of different sequencing approaches to identify circulating variants.

Service : Department of Microbiology

LNS contact :

Duration : 8 months (2020-2021)

Partners : Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technologies – LIST, Luxembourg Institute of Health – LIH, Luxembourg Center for Systems Biomedicine – LCSB

Financing : Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR)

Pre-autopsy antigen testing for SARS-CoV-2.

Goal : Validation of standard antigen SARS-CoV-2 tests, and comparison to the “gold standard” PCR, on deceased persons for use as a rapid pre-autopsy screening method.

Service : Forensic medical service

Duration : ongoing (since May 2021)

Financing : LNS


COVID+ Diagnostics

Covid19 Positive Luxembourg Study Improving Diagnostics

Goal : The LNS, as the national reference laboratory for respiratory viral infections, is evaluating the reliability of different diagnostic methods for COVID in order to assist the Directorate of Health in improving the national diagnostic and surveillance strategy for COVID-19.

Service : Microbiology department

LNS contact :

Duration :  12 months (2021)

Partners : Ministry of Health, Centre Hosptalier Emile Mayrisch – CHEM

Financing : Direction de la Santé, LNS



Goal : Supporting Senegal and Guinea Bissau in identifying HIV resistance, reinforcing early HBV and HPV testing in Casamance region (Senegal) and Bissau (Guinea-Bissau).

Service : Department of Microbiology

LNS contact :

Duration : 4 years (2019-2023)

Partners : ONG SAN/ACCESS ; LIH; CHL; ENDA-Santé ; Assane Esck University of Ziguinchor ; Johns Hopkins University; Local Hospitals and laboratories.

Financing : Fondation Recherche sur le Sida



Temporary strain collection for multidrug-resistant bacteria

Goal : Creation of a bank of multi-resistant bacterial strains. Collection, identification and characterization by antibiotic susceptibility testing of bacterial strains resistant to carbapenems or colistin from all over Europe (36 countries).

Service : MYCOBAC-ARH Service

LNS contact :

Duration : 3 years (2019-2021)

Partners : IBBL

Financing : European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – ECDC

Link to the project :


Analysis of the active ingredients of medicines used by SAMU subjected to temperature variations

Goal: Stability of medicines in an ambulance under real working conditions

Service: Analytical toxicology, pharmaceutical chemistry

Duration: 1 year

Partners: CGDIS

Financing: CGDIS



Drug analysis in Luxembourg’s wastewater

Goal: Better understanding of the quantity of drugs consumed in Luxembourg based on their screening in wastewater

Service: Analytical toxicology, pharmaceutical chemistry

Duration: 1.5 years

Partners: Ministry of Health, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technologies – LIST

Financing: Fund for the fight against certain forms of crime


Analysis of medicines seized by Luxembourg customs

Goal: Evaluate the quality of medicines seized by customs which do not have a marketing authorization in Luxembourg

Service: Analytical toxicology, pharmaceutical chemistry

Duration: 2 years

Partners: Customs


Monitoring the supply and quality of psychoactive substances in Luxembourg

Goal: Better knowledge of the quality of drugs which are consumed in drug consumption rooms (Abrigado and JDH) and during certain festivities.

Service: Analytical toxicology, pharmaceutical chemistry

Duration: 2 years

Partners: Ministry of Health,  Justice, Abrigado, 4motion

Financing: Fund for the fight against certain forms of crime


One Health Genomics of Campylobacter jejuni in Luxembourg

Goal: To investigate on the phenomenon of recurring genotypes of Campylobacter jejuni infecting human over the last decade in Luxembourg. To explain the persistence over time of these genotypes regarding their survival strategy. To verify whether wild birds could be involved in the geographic spread of these clones in Europe.

Service : Epidemiology and Microbial Genomics

Duration : 2018-2022

Partners : Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technologies – LIST, University of Luxembourg- UL, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique – INRAE, Norwegian University of Life Sciences – NMBU.

Financing : Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR)

Links to the project :

Old projects


Analysis of samples collected during popular festivals

Goal: Drug research in samples submitted by drug users in order to raise awareness and to have a better overview of the drugs consumed in Luxembourg.

Unit: Technical platform for analytical toxicology and pharmaceutical chemistry

Duration: 2017 – 2018

Partners : 4motion, Police Grand-Ducale, Justice, Ministère de la Santé

Funding: Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte

Link to the projet :

Drugs in Wastewater

Dosage of drugs in Luxembourg’s wastewater

Goal: Research and dosage of certain drugs (amphetamine, methamphetamine, cannabis metabolite, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin metabolite) in various water treatment plants in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Unit: Technical platform for analytical toxicology and pharmaceutical chemistry

Duration : 2017 – 2018

Partners : Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technologies – LIST

Funding: Fonds de lutte contre certaines formes de criminalité

Characterization of hemp produced in Luxembourg

Goal: Assay of different cannabinoids (THC, THCa, CBD, CBDa, CBG, CBGa, CBN) and terpenes (a-pinene, b-myrcene, linalool, b-caryphyllene, humulene, guaiol, limonene) in hemp at different stages of maturation of plants.

Unit: Technical platform for analytical toxicology and pharmaceutical chemistry

Duration: September 2016 – September 2018

Partners : Cannad’Our

Funding: Cannad’Our

Drug screening and dosing in the waters of the Vosges

Goal: Collection of samples during 3 campaigns and dosage paracetamol, desloratidine, ivermectin, arbamazepine

Unit: Technical platform for analytical toxicology and pharmaceutical chemistry

Duration: 2017 – 2018

Partners: Association pour l’optimisation de la qualité des soins – ASOQS

Funding: ASOQS


Impact of human papillomavirus vaccination on cervical cancer in Luxembourg

Goal: Measuring the impact of the HPV vaccination program on cervical cancer.

Unit: Epidemiology and microbial genomics

Duration : 2015 – 2018

Partners : Planning Familial, Inspection Générale de la Sécurité Sociale, Direction de la Santé, Institut de Santé Publique WIV-ISP (Bruxelles), Université de Gand

Funding: Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR)

Link to :


Sources of infection to environmental Campylobacter in Luxembourg.

Goals: To study the contamination of surface waters by Campylobacter in Luxembourg. / to develop a sufficiently discriminating molecular typing scheme for the real-time detection of micro-epidemics and identification of potential sources of infection. / To type clinical, food, veterinary and environmental strains isolated over 2 years (2011-2012) and compare their genotypes. / To assess and quantify the various routes of transmission of campylobacteriosis in Luxembourg.

Unit: Epidemiology and microbial genomics

Duration : 2010 – 2013

Partners : Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technologies – LIST, Luxembourg Institute of Health – LIH

Funding: Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR)

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