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Department of forensic medicine

‘Forensic medicine – this bridge between law and medicine – is a major factor in the safety of our fellow citizens. In an essential way, by means of scientific and independent contributions, it furthers judicial progress and the benefits that characterise the latter.1


To mark its 10th anniversary, the LNS Department of Legal Medicine hosted the spring conference of the DGRM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin / German Society of Forensic Medicine) for the first time in Luxembourg on June 14 and 15, 2024.

Click here to discover the press release related to the 10th anniversary of the Department.


The department consists of 3 services, 1 technical platform and 1 unit:

Within the LNS, the department of forensic medicine works mostly at the request of the Luxembourgish judicial authorities, but also at the order of the police and other government bodies.

Forensic medical service

This service’s main tasks are the performance of forensic autopsies, forensic examinations of corpses, as well as visits to crime scene locations whenever necessary. In addition, for preliminary investigations, the service conducts clinical examinations on living persons. It also carries out various assessments concerning forensic matters and provides training in forensic medicine. The service is integrated into the national team of the Grand Ducal Police in charge of the Disaster Victim Identification (DVI).

Forensic genetics service

This unit provides support for expert assessments based on the tools of molecular biology in order to provide objective evidence in the context of court cases, such as the determination of human genetic fingerprints or DNA genetic profiles.


umedo is a service for adult victimes of physical and/or sexual violence who do not (for the time being) wish to involve the police and/or press charges. The purpose of the service is to document visible injuries and secure biological traces in such a manner that evidence will be available for any legal proceedings in the future.

Forensic toxicology service

The tasks performed by this service include providing expert toxicological reports for autopsies and legal matters on the living, such as driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or alcohol, drug-facilitated sexual assaults or other crimes committed under the influence of psychoactive substances. Apart from the toxicological analyses performed on the samples obtained in the above-mentioned cases, this service also performs hair analyses in the screening for drug addiction, keeping or recovering a driving license or within the context of drug facilitated crimes2.

Analytical chemistry service

The main mission of the service is the identification and dosage of narcotic as well as the control of legal, forged or counterfeit medicines and food supplements or other products of unknown origin suspected of containing medicinal substances or illicit substances. The team works in close cooperation with the police, customs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Consumer Protection, as well as doctors, pharmacists, private customers and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM). The technical platform is an EDQM/OMCL (“Official Medicines Control Laboratories”) certified laboratory and is part of the network of quality control laboratories for human and veterinary medicines available on the market in Europe. Finally, this unit also works for all LNS services in the identification and dosage of unknown substances and helps to confirm results. It is involved in the training of students and research in collaboration with Luxembourg and international universities.

1 « La médecine légale – ce pont lancé entre le droit et la médecine – participe à la sûreté de nos concitoyens. Par son apport scientifique et indépendant, elle contribue de manière essentielle au progrès judiciaire et aux garanties qui le caractérisent ». Excerpt from a document written by the Prosecutor General Marc ROBERT at the Court of Appeal of Versailles (France) (translated from French into English by Martine Weitzel Boutique Translation)

2 Drug facilitated crimes are defined as the administration of psychoactive substances for criminal or illegal purposes without the knowledge of the victim.

the team