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Director (M/F) Ref°170

Type of contract: Full-time and undetermined duration contract (CDI)

The Laboratoire National de Santé (LNS) is looking for a visionary and inspiring new director to lead the Laboratoire National de Santé in Dudelange, Luxembourg.


The LNS is a major player in Luxembourg’s healthcare sector, serving the country’s patients, doctors and hospitals. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the LNS is a multidisciplinary public institution organized around six medical departments, two of which are designated as national diagnostic centers for human genetics and anatomopathology respectively.

The LNS employs around 400 highly qualified people with diverse backgrounds, serving the people of Luxembourg. The main purpose of the LNS is to develop analytical activities and scientific expertise linked to the prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of human diseases; to act as a national control or reference laboratory; and to carry out forensic missions. The LNS also collaborates with the University of Luxembourg and other biomedical research institutions, both nationally and internationally, on research and teaching activities.

In particular, in the field of diagnostics, the LNS covers the following fields of application: medical biology, microbiology, forensic medicine, environmental medicine, morphological and molecular pathology, and clinical genetics, as well as an entire sequencing section for rare diseases, oncology and pathogens.



The position of Director of the LNS offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of a multidisciplinary diagnostics and personalized medicine strategy and its implementation, with the aim of improving healthcare for the people of Luxembourg.

The Director of LNS will form and lead a team comprising the Chief Operating Officer and an Administrative and Financial Director, who will work hand in hand to define a vision and strategy for the institution to be deployed in agreement with the Board of Directors. This management team will work closely with the administrative department heads and the six medical department heads to ensure the implementation of this strategy by defining the organization and the objectives to be achieved.

The Director of LNS reports to the Board of Directors, which defines the general policy, organization and operation of the laboratory in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and agreements.


The future Director will be responsible for the following activities and must meet the criteria listed below:



Setting up the laboratory strategy

  • Implement the policies and decisions of the Board of Directors (BOD)
  • Ensure the creation and implementation of a strategy to develop the laboratory
  • Diagnose the laboratory’s overall situation and define a strategic action plan
  • Work with the Executive Committee on strategic organizational planning
  • Define priorities and ways to optimize laboratory operations
  • Identify levers for growth and business diversification
  • Select external consulting firms to provide advice on specialized subjects
  • Develop research partnerships to develop new diagnostic tools
  • Validate budgets and investment plans
  • Ensure relations with partners

Laboratory operational management

  • Together with the Chief Operating Officer, define actions to implement the strategic action plan
  • Drawing up and monitoring general laboratory policy
  • Together with the Chief Operating Officer, define action plans to develop and increase the laboratory’s potential
  • Ensure compliance with financial management and administration rules and supervise budget management
  • Handle all employer-related duties: ensure compliance with legal, regulatory and contractual provisions of the French Labor Code and collective bargaining agreements
  • Together with the deputy directors, define the tools for measuring and steering the laboratory’s operational and financial performance
  • Create and maintain a corporate culture and unite staff around a common project, while managing change
  • Ensure regular internal communication to involve all staff in management decisions
  • Implement and promote a risk management culture
  • Implement and promote a quality management culture
  • Together with the deputy directors, lead the heads of the various departments and services (medical and administrative) in managing and steering the laboratory

Chairing committees and bodies

  • Represent management on the Board of Directors, in partnership with the two deputy directors
  • Present work results and performance indicators to the Board of Directors
  • Chairing management committees
  • Participate in discussions and negotiations on company agreements with union representatives, in collaboration with the Administrative and Financial Director

External representation

  • Contribute to the development of the laboratory’s reputation and image by developing external communications in collaboration with the two deputy directors
  • Represent the laboratory in dealing with public authorities (ministries, government agencies, etc.) and other national and international stakeholders



Basic training with one of the following qualifications is essential:

  • Doctor of Medicine, or
  • Doctor of Science in a field related to the laboratory’s activities, or
  • Doctor of Pharmacy, or
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Additional training in a field related to the laboratory’s activities is highly desirable.

Additional management training is highly desirable.



The position of Director requires at least seven years’ experience in leadership and management, preferably in a public health institution, a medical analysis laboratory, or a large department in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry, or equivalent experience.




  • Excellent knowledge of the diagnostic laboratory sector
  • Experience in at least one area of clinical diagnostics
  • Experience in implementing highly collaborative, interdisciplinary clinical diagnostic projects
  • Perfect knowledge of quality assurance and accreditation systems for medical analysis laboratories
  • Excellent knowledge of management and financial management techniques
  • Excellent writing skills in French and English

Skills that are an asset:

  • Translational research skills
  • Knowledge of the health and research environment in Luxembourg
  • Fluency in Luxembourgish or German



  • Strategic vision
  • Leadership
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to federate
  • Ability to prioritize
  • Ability to arbitrate and make difficult decisions
  • Ability to delegate and collaborate
  • Ability to manage crisis and conflict situations
  • A force of proposal and conviction
  • Excellent writing and public speaking skills
  • Reactivity and ability to handle a variety of subjects
  • Strong work capacity
  • Negotiation skills


LNS is an equal opportunity employer. It fosters a multicultural work environment that values gender equality, teamwork and respect for diversity. Qualified candidates are considered without regard to race, color, age, gender, religion, disability, national and ethnic origin or social status.

If you fit the above profile and would like to apply, please send your application (CV and covering letter) via our website. Your application will be treated as confidential.

In the final stages of the recruitment process, the successful candidate will be asked to provide supporting documents such as copies of diplomas and work certificates. An official police record (bulletin n° 3) will also be requested for consultation purposes.